Lucy Morton

Winter Run 2025

My Activity Tracking


Cancer is relentess. But so are we. 

Running further than I ever had!

I am taking on the Cancer Research UK London Winter Run 2025.

Please donate to my page to help me raise vital funds for Cancer Research UK and support me as I train for a 10k on 23rd February 2025. 

Nearly 1 in 2 people will get cancer in their lifetime*. All of us can support the research that will beat it. 

I’ve decided to give myself a challenge!   I’m not a great runner, and have never made it past 6k, but together (with some great mates) I’m determined to get over the finish line. It won’t be quick, I may even walk a little, but I know I’ll give it a good go. 

Over the past few years cancer has affected me in many ways. Family members and some of my best friends have been diagnosed and sadly, I lost a team mate to breast cancer just before her 40th birthday. It’s a terrible disease and the chance to raise some money to help beat it is humbling.

So thank you for supporting me, whether big or small. Wish me luck. Together we are beating cancer. 

Lucy x


My Achievements

Self Love Achieved
5k Not achieved
10k Not achieved
20k Not achieved
50k Not achieved
100k Not achieved
Ice cold Not achieved
Deep freeze 7k Not achieved
Ice bath Not achieved

Thank you to my supporters


Charys & Tim

Good luck Lucy! You'll be great xx


Caroline Devine

Good Luck Lucy x

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